Anne Suttner
Vienna, Austria
Anne Suttner, * 1971 in Mödling, lives and works in Vienna. Studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, lecturer and curator of exhibitions, member of ArtP and the Fishpool association. National and international exhibitions.
Garten Eden
from € 2,250 to 4,560
The Landscape Image in the Digital Age - a concept by Anne Suttner
Artists: Gudrun Kaitna-Engel, Anne Suttner
The term "landscape" stands in contrast to the term "nature", as it implies the creation of the land, the land worked through by man. Nature comes from the Latin "nasci" to be born, to be, it is about the origin that determines everything. Nature is to be understood as a single great process of destruction, which human technology cannot surpass because it has to make use of the […]
from € 880
Pretty Best Friends - Symbioses in the Rainforest
If you want to survive in the rainforest, you need allies. And so the most incredible partnerships of two or even three different species are formed with only one goal: If you help me, I'll help you. Symbiosis is the name for this close relationship where everyone wins. For example, by offering each other food or shelter. Or providing cleaning services. The term comes from ancient Greek and means "living together".
The little bat hides […]