#dblpng aka Pengpengduo
Portrait of #dblpng

#dblpng aka Pengpengduo

Rorschacherberg, Switzerland

Perform reality

#dblpng, also known as Pengpengduo, was established in 2017 by Swiss artists Patrik Muchenberger and Alex Brotbeck. The duo joined forces after completing their art studies to collaboratively explore painterly and graphic themes in the world of art. Through their large-scale painting interventions, they skillfully and thoughtfully challenge conventional art perspectives with a blend of playfulness and serious critique.

Claiming territories

The duo #dblpng seamlessly blends old and new realities. By engaging with nature, its inhabitants, and the dynamics of digital non-places, they deliberately create space for the flourishing of perception and invite the viewer to indulge in their imagination.

#dblpng aka Pengpengduo , 2023
Artwork Series

#dblpng // Serie Two

2 artworks
from € 192

Papers out of painterspainting-tour. Sizes variable.

#dblpng aka Pengpengduo , 2019
Artwork Series

#dblpng // factory zines

4 artworks
from € 420

Real documentation from the painterspainting tour 2019, factory.

About the painterspainting tour:
Since 2018, the artist duo #dblpng has annually painted an empty site designated for demolition, infusing these transient spaces with their artistic expression.

#dblpng aka Pengpengduo , 2017
Artwork Series

#dblpng // Serie One

3 artworks
from € 1,260

A, B, C, 2017

#dblpng aka Pengpengduo , 2017-2022
Single pieces


3 artworks
from € 330 to 1,260

Various works by #dblpng aka Pengpengduo that are not (or not yet) part of a series.

Other artist's artworks

The Great Blueberry Escape

The Great Blueberry Escape

Andre Brik, 2017
€ 208
Cattleya sp.
Cattleya sp.
Isabel Mischka, 2020
€ 1,410
Anne Suttner, 2020
€ 880
Stranded objects
Stranded objects
Catherine Ludwig, 2017
€ 608
T Minus Tea Time
T Minus Tea Time
Andre Brik, 2018
€ 208
Andrei Moldovan, 2024
€ 900
Snake Plant
Snake Plant
Andrei Moldovan, 2021
€ 530
Paralelas - Honey Island - Brazil (Surf Spot Series)
Paralelas - Honey Island - Brazil (Surf Spot Series)
Andre Brik, 2019
€ 208
A Primeira Tesselação do Pinhão
A Primeira Tesselação do Pinhão
Andre Brik, 2021
€ 208
Unterm Teppich #2
Unterm Teppich #2
Natalia Weiss, 2019
€ 1,010
how to interpret a weather forecast _ reflection on a moon
how to interpret a weather forecast _ reflection on a moon
Hoa Luo, 2022
€ 430
Zen and the Art of Making Art
Zen and the Art of Making Art
Andre Brik, 2021
€ 352