Shipping & Returns

Zeichenfabrik Shop for Art & Design Delivery Conditions and Returns

Shipping and Delivery

All products are shipped directly to you by the seller, unless otherwise stated. As a rule, delivery is only possible within the European Union (EU). Any deviations from this will be explicitly indicated in the offer.

Delivery will be made to the address you provided at the time of order. Depending on the product’s origin and destination, as well as any customs clearance times, delivery will generally take place within 10-15 business days after purchase. Please inspect the product immediately upon receipt for any potential damages.

The seller is liable for damages incurred during transport due to inadequate packaging. Should any damage be attributable to improper handling by the carrier, it is the seller’s responsibility to assert claims against the transport service provider.


Please note that international shipments may be subject to customs duties and fees. You are responsible for any such charges imposed by the country of destination. For further information on possible customs duties and fees applicable to the importation of contemporary original artworks or limited editions, please contact the customs authority in your country. Ensure that all necessary import licenses are obtained before the artwork is shipped.


Before returning a product, please inform us of your intention and the reason for the return by emailing us at Please ensure the product is securely packaged, ideally in its original packaging materials. If the original packaging is no longer available, you are obligated to obtain suitable packaging materials at your own expense to secure the product for return shipment.

Returns Due to Cancellation/Withdrawal

You have the right to withdraw from a purchase contract within 14 days without providing any reason. To exercise your right of withdrawal, please refer to the withdrawal policy provided during the ordering process and sent with your confirmation email. You may submit your declaration of withdrawal by sending an email to

In the event of a return following a withdrawal, the buyer bears the costs for shipping as well as any applicable customs charges, unless the product is defective or was delivered incorrectly.

Returns Due to Damage

Please inspect the product immediately upon receipt for any damage. In the event of a complaint, contact us within 48 hours by emailing Provide a detailed description and photographs of the damage as part of your claim documentation.


When a return occurs as a result of a withdrawal or damage claim and the product has been received by the seller, we will initiate a refund of your payment. The purchase price will be refunded within 10 business days, using the same payment method, in the same currency, and at the same exchange rate as applied in your original transaction.