Blue Wave Wing

Blue Wave Wing

Michael Wegerer, 2018

100 x 70 x 0 cm
Monotype, Paper, and Screenprinting on Paper

€ 920

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About the artwork Blue Wave Wing

"Blue Wave Wing" is a unique screen print from the series "Figures". The starting point for the series are images of the daily press and scanned newspaper pages. Various contents are transformed according to a value system and get a new visual form by reworking the sources. In the artwork, graphic processes are combined with painterly gestures, whereby the work on a single piece can take several months.

About the artist Michael Wegerer

Michael Wegerer's artistic practice is deeply rooted in the exploration of printmaking and its sculptural extension, with the inherent tension between repetition and originality serving as a metaphor for a broader social and cultural context.

In the dynamic interplay between tradition and innovation, his work seeks a nuanced dialogue between materiality and perception, and in recent years the focus has shifted to the tension between colour, form and space. These overlaps become fertile ground for questioning and redefining the boundaries of the artwork itself. With this in mind, his works often deal with themes such as memory, identity and everyday, seemingly banal things and circumstances, inviting a reflective and immersive experience.

His multifaceted oeuvre sometimes includes a strong reference to the aesthetics of modernism. Starting from basic geometric shapes, he deals in his works with the principle of the serial, which is also central to screen printing, and the relationship between colour, rhythm and movement. The interaction between the viewer and the work of art also plays an important role, as does the idea of experiencing the respective work anew again and again by changing one’s own point of view.

Since 2003, Wegerer's works have been on display in numerous national and international exhibitions and collections. In the course of several international residencies and studies in the UK, Ireland, Sweden, China, Australia and New Zealand he has been developing experimental and versatile screen printing techniques since 2006. Michael now lives and works in Vienna.

More artworks by Michael Wegerer from this series

Michael Wegerer, 2019
€ 560

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